Monday, December 5, 2011

Amazing Illusion Halloween Costume

Haha okay so here's mine and Brooke's costume. Basically its an illusion where it looks like someone is carrying you. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Halloween in Ireland


The celebration of Halloween started in Ireland around 100AD. Back then, Halloween was a pagan festival celebrated by the Celts of Ireland who called it "Samhain", an old Irish word meaning the 'end of Summer'. They believed that on the eve of Samhain (Halloween), the dead spirits would revisit the mortal world, so huge bonfires were lit to keep away any evil spirits. It is known in Gaelic as 'Oíche Shamhna' and is celebrated on the 31st of October each year, which is All Souls Day, so in Ireland it is often referred to as the Feast of the Dead.

Here are just some of the Irish Halloween traditions which are still very much alive today;

The Pumpkin at Halloween

In Ireland, the Pumpkin traditionally known as the Jack O Lantern, is a carved out pumpkin whose top and stem have been removed. The shell is then carved normally in the shape of a scary face which is then lit up by placing a candle inside.

There are many stories of how the Jack O Lantern custom came about in Ireland. One old tale says it was as a result of a blacksmith called Jack who crossed the devil. He made the devil promise he would not go to hell, but when he was denied entry to heaven, he was left to wander the earth. He told the devil he could not wander about forever in the dark and the devil tossed him an ember from the fires of hell, so Jack placed this in a hollowed out turnip. From that day, Jack roamed the earth using his Jack O Lantern to light the way so you might spot him when you visit Ireland this Halloween!

It is said that when the Irish immigrated to the States they took this Halloween tradition with them, but instead of using turnips, then began to use pumpkins as they were much more plentiful!

Irish Halloween Food: The Barnbrack

This traditional Halloween cake is a fruit bread. What's special about this bread though, is that various things are baked inside the bread such as a coin, a rag, a ring and a thimble! The bread is then shared out among family members and eaten very carefully. Each of the items in the cake signify different things, for example if you got the 'rag' it meant that you'd be poor, the coin - rich, the thimble meant you would never marry and the ring meant that you would find romance and be happy ever after - so, of course, everyone wants to find the ring!

At Halloween in Ireland the shelves at the local supermarket are packed with every kind of Barnbrack, but nowadays it's only possible to buy one that contains a ring!

Ireland's Halloween Bonfire

The Halloween tradition of the bonfire in Ireland is said to also have originated during Pagan times when the Celts lit huge fires on the hills so the spirits could find their way. It was also said that these fires would help to keep away evil spirits. Another old Irish Halloween tale says that if you drop a strand of your hair into the flames and dream of your future husband or wife to be, you're dreams will come true!

Bonfires are a huge part of the Halloween festivities in Ireland and are lit in both rural areas and towns throughout the country. They are built from all sorts of materials and some take days of preparation!

Trick or Treat in Ireland

This old Irish Halloween custom originated centuries ago when the poor would go round to the rich peoples houses and ask for food or money, which they would then use for their celebration of Halloween. Nowadays, children dress up in scary costumes and go house to house trick or treating, arriving home with bags of goodies which they use for their Halloween party.

Halloween fun & games

There are many games associated with Halloween. Apples are a traditional Halloween fruit as they were very plentiful in October. These games are still played today.

One of the most popular Halloween games in Ireland is 'Snap Apple'. In this game an apple is hung from the ceiling and the children are blindfolded. The first one to take a bite from the apple wins! This game can also be played by putting apples into basin of water. The first person to lift out an apple by grabbing the stem with their teeth is the winner.

Another Halloween custom involves peeling an apple in one long strip. Then throw the peel over your left shoulder and try to figure out what letter it resembles. The initial will be the first letter of the name of you future spouse!

If you're in Ireland during Halloween then you might like to sample some traditional Halloween foods. Try some Colcannon, it's a tasty savoury dish which consists of potatoes, cabbage, onions, butter, milk, salt and pepper. Other foods such as nuts are also hugely popular at Halloween (especially hazelnuts, monkey nuts and peanuts), corn on the cob and, of course, apples!

Over the past number of years, people have begun decorating their homes more and more for Halloween with ghosts, ghouls, witches, goblins and harvest displays. Some of the bigger cities may have authorised firework displays, but be aware that to buy fireworks or bring fireworks into Ireland is illegal and the penalties severe.

There are Halloween celebrations in towns all over Ireland, but if you want to really get into the spirit of Halloween, then we recommend you head for Derry city in Northern Ireland or Dublin city for two of the best Halloween parades in the country!

Check out for more articles on Ireland culture.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Classic Game Room - ANGRY BIRDS SEASONS HD for iPad review

Classic Game Room reviews ANGRY BIRDS SEASONS HD for iPad where you get seasonal levels for different awesome holidays like Valentine's Day levels, Chrismas themed levels and Halloween! Celebrate the holidays by crushing pigs with your angry birds in this big-screen iPad version of Angry Birds from Rovio and Chillingo. Angry Birds Seasons is available for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Droid phone and more. This CGR review of Angry Birds Seasons for iPad has Angry Birds gameplay showing Angry Birds Seasons game play levels in action.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Popular Halloween Costumes for Men

Halloween Costumes

Popular Costumes for Men That time of year is creeping up on us like a spooky spider. That's right, it's Halloween time again. It's the time when kids are clamoring to figure out what they want to dress up as. But Halloween is not just for the kids. We all had our fun when we were children running around the neighborhood, collecting candy in our favorite costumes. Sometime we want to go back to those happier times when we an pretend to be our favorite superhero or fighter pilot or horror movie monster. And with the popularity of Halloween parties many adults choose to don a costume for an evening of fun with friends. So what's a guy to wear this Halloween season? What's new, what's popular, what's the latest and greatest when it comes to Halloween?

There are so many choices, too many to list in one article, but here are a few of some of the more popular choices. Superhero costumes. Sometimes it's good to fall back on the old standard superheros. Batman has seen a boost in popularity due to the Dark Knight movies in recent years. The Joker costumes is still extremely popular due to the creepiness of this particular character. Batman costumes also come in more choices now. You can outfit yourself in the traditional Batman costumes or with an over-the-top deluxe Dark Knight costume. That one is sure to get a lot of attention. Other superhero costumes that are super popular this year are Captain America and The Green Lantern. It's funny how a simple movie, doesn't matter how good or bad it is, can stir up the popularity of a new character for Halloween. It's not just movies that help the costume industry. Video games also boost the sales of certain character costumes. Mortal Kombat is a popular game and so are the costumes. They come in several characters from the game and any man would look great in these warrior style costumes.

Want something a little more military like? How about Halo costumes? Halo Master Chief costumes are proving to be quite popular and look like the real deal. If you're willing to spend the money, the deluxe style costumes will make you look like you just stepped out of the game. They come with accessories too, like Halo 3 gloves or the cool looking Master Chief fully enclosed vacumn form helmet. Want something a little more on the cute side? Something a little less violent? Well this next costumes is not necessarily less violent, but it is kind of cute. Angry Birds costumes are a top seller this year already. The game has been such a big hit that everyone wants to be an Angry Bird for Halloween.

Dressing up like a silly bird not your thing? Well, how about a costume that is sure to get a lot of attention from the ladies due to its pure cuddle factor. The Sock Monkey is making a come back in popularity thanks to a commercial played during the Superbowl in 2010. If you haven't seen it, Kia used the sock monkey and other vintage childhood toys to show how much fun it is to own their cars. In the commercial sock monkey drives, goes bowling, catches big air on a stand-up jet ski and kicks it with the ladies at a dance party. Clearly sock monkey's got it going on. So, Sock Monkey Costumes are a big hit this year. There is even a zombie sock monkey for those who want to take cute and cuddly to a different level.

This is only a few of the many choices a guy has for Halloween. So, what's it going to be? Superhero, cute and cuddly, or macho warrior?

This article written by Gemgirl (Gayle) who spends her time in front of a computer developing online courseware by day and by night she dabbles in the internet marketing business. Check out some of her costume web sites, just in time for Halloween.

Buy Sock Monkey Costumes Here!
Buy Superman Costumes Here!

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Big Bang Theory - The Doppler Effect

It's the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Easy Halloween Crafts - Even a Caveman Can Make Halloween Crafts


One of the things that make Halloween so wonderful is that you can dress up, display Halloween crafts and scare all the folks you want in the spirit of fun. Decorating your home, car or office is the first step in setting the mood for Halloween and can be accomplished with just a little patience and some creativity.

There are some quick and easy ideas to consider when making your own Halloween decorations. The great part about Halloween crafts is that many of them are kid friendly and can be made with items you find around your home.

Tissue Ghosts

For example, one of my favorite crafts is tissue ghosts.  Just take a piece of Kleenex and gather it together so that you have a "bulb" at the top with the bottom splaying out - much like a ghost would look like!  Use a rubber band or a garbage bag twist tie to secure the bulb which is the head of your ghost.  Tie it tight!  Then

take a black magic marker and dot in eyes, a nose, and a mouth and you have a Kleenex ghost.  Make several of these to hang around your house, particularly in places where your family and friends would least expect to see them!

Egg Carton Bats

Another great idea for Halloween crafts involves a simple egg carton.  That's right - you can turn an egg carton into a scary bat!  What you need to do is take three of the egg "cups" and separate them from the rest of the carton together so that they form a row.  The middle cup will be the bat face, the other two are the wings, so take a pair of scissors and cut out the front part of the cups to make wings.  If you have some "googly eyes" glue them on for a fun take, or you can simply draw a face on your bat. Then hang from a string or a rubber band and decorate the whole room with these fun and easy little bats.

Those are two ideas for Halloween crafts to get you started.  There are so many other great and easy ideas for Halloween crafts that you can try out. A good guide to keep you going is Easy Halloween Crafts.  Experiment around with these ideas to make some spooky or fun decorations that will make your home a Halloween haven with Halloween crafts that you have made yourself! Just click the link below for more information.

Find more craft ideas for Halloween that even a caveman can do in the Easy Halloween Crafts guide, which will provide you with hours of fun turning your home, car or office into a scary zone! You can also get a free Halloween Planning and Decorating Guide by simply visiting: ==>

Halloween Crafts For Adults - Let Your Imagination Go Wild!


A fun activity during Halloween is to decorate your home with hand made art and craft decorations. With a little imagination, one can make wonderful decorations to beautify the house and give it that festive look during Halloween. It is not necessary to be an expert at craft making, but a little imagination and ingenuity will go a long way to succeed in this project. A quick search on the Internet for ideas on homemade decorations will speed up your imaginative powers. You can come up with some creepy looking decorations by making use of simple household items. Most often, people like to transform their homes into haunted houses.

The yard is the best place to start with Halloween decorations. You can turn it into a creepy cemetery. You can give it a ghoulish appearance by putting 'tombstones' all around it. These can be simple plywood cut out into half- spheres. Attach some nails to the bottom, or push them down into the ground so that they stand up. You can paint them black and put some scary writings on them. The lighting in the yard can also be adjusted to throw eerie shadows over the yard. A few 'ghosts' made up of white sheets tied on to bushes will do the trick. Balloon Ghosts in white with attached bells can be left to float in the breeze. Their haunting chimes may scare even the strongest hearted person!

Halloween Crafts for the indoors can be made easily. One way to get a spooky effect in the house is to drape a fine white cloth, artistically painted with a ghost face, on the windowpane. Bats, artificial cobwebs and witch cutouts can be put up on the walls or hung from the ceiling to complete the creepy effect.

Many of these crafts can be made by kids too. However, if there is a need to use power tools for creating them, it is best left to the adults to do the job. Children can be involved to do simple things like painting or gluing on glitter, beads and sequins. This can be a fun activity done together to create something unique.

Your creativity is limited only to your imagination. Use your imagination and creativity while putting together Halloween crafts. As adults, your creations will be much neater since you are now agile while using your hands. Let the kids participate as well. There is nothing better than having a family activity to bring everyone closer! Have fun and enjoy your time with the family during Halloween.

Abhishek is an expert at making Halloween Crafts and he has got some great Halloween Craft Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 93 Page Ebook, "How To Make Your Own Spooky Halloween Crafts!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.