Sunday, October 23, 2011

2 Simple and Harmless Halloween Games For Children


Halloween is the day of fun and spooky jokes. The day is mostly celebrated with children dressing up with their favourite Halloween costumes. During the night, a small party will be thrown and when there is party, playing games will never be excluded.

Here are two very simple and harmless children Halloween games to share with you.

1. Pass the Pumpkins

Items needed: Pumpkins, gourds, and music

This game is very similar to the musical chair game. The game involves passing small pumpkins and gourds from one children to another with the music playing on background. Someone will manage the music machine buy play and stop the music occasionally. When the music is stopped, the last child without a pumpkin is out. The play continues until there is a winner.

To start the game all children sit around in a circle. All of them will have a pumpkin except one. When the music starts, the children will pass the pumpkins around. When the music stops, all the children will stop passing the pumpkins. The children without a pumpkin will be out.

Remove one pumpkin from the balance of the group. Repeat the passing around and play the music. Each time the music stop, one child will be removed. This continues until there is a winner.

2. Pin the Nose on the Jack-O-Lantern

Items needed: Poster board, markers, colour paper, scissor, and double sided tape.

This game is similar to 'Pin the tail on the donkey' which you most probably have played before. If you have not, here is how the game is played.

Draw a picture of Jack-O-Lantern on the poster board but leave out the eyes and nose. Use the scissor to cut out shapes of eyes and nose from the colour paper.

Attach a strip of double sided tape to back of each of the cut out eyes and nose shapes colour papers.

Blindfold one child at a time, turn them around several times. Now ask them to try to stick the eyes and nose on the picture of Jack-O-Lantern.

Read more on Halloween Costumes at

Thomas Wong

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